The latest instalment in the horror series takes on a new and unique approach which differs greatly from the movie and book it is based on. We get to see the attempts of the demon to take possession of Casey from her point of view. We see the struggle she continues to put up as she fights against the malevolent force and the tormenting and unyielding effects of her unwillingness to allow it to take her.
The last episode ended on the train where Casey had savagely attacked a man. This episode picks up straight after with Casey admitted into hospital for psychiatric and medical tests to evaluate what is wrong with her. The ‘salesman’ is with her the whole way and we see the torment and manipulation he puts her through as well as the physical pain as he continues to wear her down, determined to crack her and weaken her resolve so he can gain full control over her. The brutality of the demons punishment is realised when she is given an internal examination and burns are found. As awful and vile as this is, it is far from being an unnecessary addition purely for shock factor. It shows how far the demon is willing to go and how brave and strong Casey has been thus far in preventing him taking hold.
As Angela tries desperately to get her daughter released she is halted at every turn when the hospital inform her they have an obligation of care to keep her in for 24 hours. Not allowed any visitors, Casey is alone and petrified as her torturer incessantly goads and attacks her, allowing her no respite from his wickedness. Her only comfort in her world of pain is a kind nurse who is soon used for the demons own gains when she falls prey to him. Casey finally gives in and allows him full entry to her in order to save the nurses life.
Meanwhile, Marcus is doing all he can, visiting people Father Bennett has suggested - off the record, to try and find a way to help Casey and her family. Finding a tour guide who has a wide knowledge of the occult he learns that the rate of possession and ritualistic killings are growing rapidly. The guide believes it is because there is something dark and horrific coming which Marcus hopes to stop before it is too late.
He turns up at a nunnery and witnesses another demonic possession where the nuns are attempting to oust the demon through patience, forgiveness and kindness. A vastly new approach to Marcus, he is intrigued, if unconvinced it will work. Permitted to take part in the exorcism he has to push aside all he knows and take on the more gentle approach to save the man’s life. It works and he regains his confidence in his abilities which he lost after his final failed exorcism where a young boy died. Full of hope he returns to Father Tomas and together they prepare to confront the demon residing inside Casey. Although not sanctioned by the church, Tomas is determined to help Casey - whatever it takes.
The last episode ended on the train where Casey had savagely attacked a man. This episode picks up straight after with Casey admitted into hospital for psychiatric and medical tests to evaluate what is wrong with her. The ‘salesman’ is with her the whole way and we see the torment and manipulation he puts her through as well as the physical pain as he continues to wear her down, determined to crack her and weaken her resolve so he can gain full control over her. The brutality of the demons punishment is realised when she is given an internal examination and burns are found. As awful and vile as this is, it is far from being an unnecessary addition purely for shock factor. It shows how far the demon is willing to go and how brave and strong Casey has been thus far in preventing him taking hold.
As Angela tries desperately to get her daughter released she is halted at every turn when the hospital inform her they have an obligation of care to keep her in for 24 hours. Not allowed any visitors, Casey is alone and petrified as her torturer incessantly goads and attacks her, allowing her no respite from his wickedness. Her only comfort in her world of pain is a kind nurse who is soon used for the demons own gains when she falls prey to him. Casey finally gives in and allows him full entry to her in order to save the nurses life.
Meanwhile, Marcus is doing all he can, visiting people Father Bennett has suggested - off the record, to try and find a way to help Casey and her family. Finding a tour guide who has a wide knowledge of the occult he learns that the rate of possession and ritualistic killings are growing rapidly. The guide believes it is because there is something dark and horrific coming which Marcus hopes to stop before it is too late.
He turns up at a nunnery and witnesses another demonic possession where the nuns are attempting to oust the demon through patience, forgiveness and kindness. A vastly new approach to Marcus, he is intrigued, if unconvinced it will work. Permitted to take part in the exorcism he has to push aside all he knows and take on the more gentle approach to save the man’s life. It works and he regains his confidence in his abilities which he lost after his final failed exorcism where a young boy died. Full of hope he returns to Father Tomas and together they prepare to confront the demon residing inside Casey. Although not sanctioned by the church, Tomas is determined to help Casey - whatever it takes.